Win Your Way Through Laughter

Win Your Way Through Laughter

“A cheerful heart brings good healing, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
‭‭- Proverbs‬ ‭17:22‬

They say laughter is the best medicine. Both the Bible and the doctors agree with this. Some try to be cheerful despite of their problems which I believe is a good thing. Having this kind of attitude does bring good healing. But you need to have a firm reason as to why you should be cheerful. Some are just trying to be happy but feels the opposite deep inside. I don't think faking your cheerfulness gives perfect health. I saw a lot of comedians who seems so joyful but still end up sick and some died young. They might not be truly happy deep inside cause if they do, they would have lived a healthy and long life. The Bible says that at laughter a heart may still ache. You can be depressed but pretend to be happy. True cheerfulness is from the inside out.

Today, I want to tackle the life story of Abraham and his wife Sarah. How at their old age they were still able to have a son and how this is related to the area of cheerfulness.

Abraham has three contenders for his inheritance. Here are their names and their corresponding meanings in the Hebrew language:

Eliezer - God will help.
Ishmael - God will hear.
Isaac - Laughter.
Guess who received the inheritance of Abraham? As we all know, it is Isaac, Abraham's son with Sarah. He is the one who received all of Abraham's possessions. Have you noticed that the meaning of Isaac's name is laughter? We can say that "laughter" received Abrahams's abundance.

Long before Isaac was born, Abraham's first choice as his heir was Eliezer. He even had a conversation with God where he wants him to acknowledge Eliezer as his possessor, for he had lost all hope of having a child because of his and his wife's old age. Eliezer means God will help. We can see that Abraham's recommendation of Eliezer as his heir to God was his way of saying "God! Help Me!" Yet, God did not select Eliezer as his heir.

When Ishmael was born, the same scenario happened again between God and Abraham. This time he wants him to acknowledge Ishmael as his heir. Ishmael means God will hear. This time, Abraham is trying to say to God, "Oh God hear me please!" or "God, do you hear my prayers? But once again, God did not approved Abraham's plea.

Then, when Abraham was 99 years old, God visited him and told him that the following year his wife Sarah would bear a child. Abraham's response to God was "LOL!" If there were emojis at that time Abraham might have used the most hilarious one. Sarah also responded in this manner when she heard about this news.

Now, some see their response as unbelief to what God has promised them. For after laughing, both Abraham and Sarah said "How can this happen when we are so old and Sarah's womb is already dead? Some say that they actually believed God and their laughter was a sign of rejoicing. Both sides do have their point, but it actually doesn't matter whether they believed God or not.

God's very goal at that time is to make them see in their minds that they would still be able to have a child. I believe God accomplished his goal perfectly. For Abraham and Sarah wouldn't laugh so hard if they have not pictured it on their minds. They clearly saw themselves having a child and they find it so funny making them burst into laughter. They maybe imagined Sarah as having a baby lump or breastfeeding a child though being very old.

Then, as they were laughing the joy that they felt that time provided the healing for Sarah's womb as well as rejuvenation of youthfulness for the both of them. God made them laugh in order to heal their infirmities. And so they were still able to produce a son naming him Isaac, which means laughter. For he was conceived out of laughter.

Now, when we approach God desiring to receive something from him, we should approach him with joy in our hearts. Some approach him the "Eliezer style," begging and pleading God for help. Some do the "Ishmael method," praying so loud and desperate for God to hear and answer them. But we must approach him the "Isaac way," filled with joy, thanksgiving and rejoicing.

How can we approach God with joy in our hearts? Like Abraham and Sarah, you need to see yourself receiving what God has promised. You need to see that your every need has already been provided by God through the finished work of Christ. See that every wounds that Jesus' received provided the healing for your sickness. See that Jesus became poor for you to become rich. See that you are already righteous in God's sight because Jesus bore all of your sins. As you see yourself the way God sees you, joy will fill your heart. And you will receive the healing that you need whether physically, emotionally or financially.

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We drink a lot of sweet tea in Texas.

We drink a lot of sweet tea in Texas.

Sweet tea definitely turns the volume down on this heat.

I think sweet tea is a southern thing.

I don't know if people in the north tend to drink it much or not.

Down here though, if you're not drinking water, coffee, beer, or soda then you're probably drinking sweet tea.

At my restaurant we have a variety of sodas available in the fountain.

We also have caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee and iced tea and sweet tea.

Guess which one gets drank the most?

In the morning when we make the sweet tea we use an absolute boat load of sugar.

That's all sweet tea is......... regular iced tea that's got a ton of sugar in it.

The funny thing is half the people that order it add even more sugar to it.

If you taste it right after it's been made you will immediately grimace at how absolutely sickeningly sweet it is.

Yet there are people that will add 5 and 6 packets of sugar to it everyday.

We drink a lot of sweet tea in Texas.

It's not just that my restaurant either......... pretty much everywhere you go around here you can order a glass of sweet tea.

That includes fast food places like Wendy's and McDonald's.

I try to watch my health so I don't drink much sweet personally although I do find it absolutely delicious.

Where you're from do they drink a lot of sweet tea?
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9 ways to feel the summer in a unique way

Summer is the travel season. Summer is the season of adventures. Summer is the season of dreams. Summer is the season of flirting. Summer is the season of love. Summer is what we do!
Here are ten modest suggestions to feel the summer in a unique way:

Barefoot on the sand

"We go two barefoot, I and You, on the sand so hot we go Cold lemonade wearing you and looking for my eyes The sea brings love, brings a little sadness I want to see you on the shore I want to catch you by the hand "- so D2 sing in" Me and you "and we will agree with them because walking barefoot on the sand is a trademark of the summer.
Walking on the sand also has many health benefits because there are points on the stairs that are connected to almost all internal organs. The healing effect of walking barefoot on the sand is explained by the fact that hot sand causes blood flow and expansion of the peripheral blood vessels and capillaries, thereby improving circulation around the body.


The latest stream in the campsite offers us to feel the summer really in a unique way.
You rest under an open sky, enjoying the soft bed and the comfort of the white sheets.
Charming Forrest tents have a large double bedroom or twin beds.

Tattoo with henna

If you want to make a tattoo, but you are not sure that you would wear it all your life, the temporary henna tattoo is right for you, and summer is the best season for making it because everyone will be able to see it.
You can experiment with a tattoo that covers your entire hands or your entire back, without worrying that you will no longer like it in time. You can also do so for a specific occasion - for example, the departure of the sea, then simply remove it.

Decoration with mussels and pans

You can keep the summer in your home all year long by decorating yourself with mussels, rope, and pebbles you found on the seashore. It takes only a little diligence and a lot of imagination.
Ideas for decoration are countless: pan, shells, shells, shells in shells or shells, decoration in a glass vessel; Frame for a picture or voluminous letters of mussels, a decorative wreath or a garland of mussels and shells, "Wind Music", funny figures, a chest of jewelry ...

Tomato, comet bread and lump of cheese

Pick up (pink) tomato from the grandmother's garden ( or bio store ), which is still warm from the sun. To tear the edge of the bread. Sip your whisper of cheese.
And to eat all this with your hands, returning to childhood and time when there were no Brussels, Himalayan salt or pesto, but the food was real and incomparably delicious.

Shallow, growth, extravagant hairstyles ...

Summer is also the best season for "experiments" with the appearance, not for any other reason, but mostly for the freedom that this season has to offer. If we want to go beyond the clichés, now is his time!
Many of the bosses are also more willing to accept a different kind of employees in the summer, so go ahead.
This appeal also applies to the strong sex, who is no longer afraid of trying different things, such as making the so-called " Male coke.


The real connoisseurs of rose can consume a pleasant drink at any time of the year - both on hot summer days and in colder weather, for example at the fireplace.
In recent years, so-called. Froze (from frozen and rosé), which can be done in different ways. One is mandatory - there must be frozen cubes rosé.
We offer you a tasty idea for a similar drink you can do at home and have a drink or treat your guests. You will be fascinated.
Necessary products:
  • 1 bottle of dry rosé
  • 2 glasses of strawberries cut in half
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 100 ml of vodka
  • 100 ml of grenadine
The method of preparation:
  1. Pour the wine into ice molds and leave it in the freezer to freeze.
  2. In the blender, put the chopped strawberries and sugar and mix with a long spoon. Then add vodka, grenadine, and frozen rosewood cubes.
  3. Blend, pour the drink into rosemary cups and serve. Decorate with strawberry.

Picnic in the woods

The mountain in summer is the coolest place, ideal for lazy staying under the thick shade of a century-old tree.
Or a picnic with delicious food, drinks cooled in the nearby stream and a good company. Or the cost to the nearest hut or natural landmark. Or search for healing herbs, berries or delicious mushrooms.

Do something crazy

Jumping with bungee, rafting, diving ... There are so many extreme activities that we dream of, but it still does not cling to us. What do you think if you do not do it in the summer, when?
And if you want to go even further, disable your Facebook account, at least while you're on vacation. Real life is always offline!
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There's a stray dog that's been visiting us at work.

This Saturday morning while I was at work I noticed a small dog cowering by the front porch of my restaurant.

I think he was afraid because there were several work men going around with very noisy leaf blowers blowing leaves away from the front of our restaurant.

I tried to go out and comfort him but he was wary of strangers as any stray dog probably would be.

He did not have a collar on and he was pretty dirty so my guess is that he was probably someone's dog that escaped and hasn't been home in quite some time.

This is not him.

I tried to take a picture of him but he was too quick for me.

He's definitely a Chihuahua that has been mixed with a beagle or some other small dog.

He's got a white coat but he has tan colorization all over him as well.

He's really nice looking dog.

He's come to work every day since Saturday but no one has been able to get very close to him.

He usually sits underneath the bush which is about 50 feet from the entrance to the restaurant and watches the staff as we come and go through the window.

I think he really wants a friend but he's scared.

I love dogs but I'm not sure if I can handle another one.

Nevertheless I'm going to hope he is there again tomorrow and see if I can work something out with him.

I once found a stray Chihuahua that ended up being a great dog.

If I did take him home I'm sure he would get along with my Boston Terrier because he is amazing and good natured.

I just hope he's okay and he doesn't get into any trouble out there in the wide world without anyone caring for him.

There's a stray dog that's been visiting us at work.

I'm gonna try to talk to him.

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Coming up with dinner ideas is tough when you don't have an oven or a stove.

Coming up with dinner ideas is tough when you don't have an oven or a stove.

Last week a surge caused my oven, stove, microwave, washer, and dryer to all die.

 At first I thought it was a problem with the general electricity in the house but, alas, it was a lot worse than that.

The heating element was cracked in a few places and it looks like electricity struck the inside of the oven.

I then went and bought a really long electric cord which was super expensive and ran it all the way across the street to my neighbor's house who had given me permission.

Neither the washer nor the dryer would come on in his house either.

Normally I cook a couple of times a day. I love to cook.

When I have a break during the day I might get some chicken and some hamburger meat and make a dual dish in one pan with some veggies and potatoes.

I can usually prepare it in like 5 minutes then bake it for 45 minutes while I take a nap in between shifts.

Whichever item I had on top can be eaten and the bottom item can then be heated up again when I get home.

Easy, fast, and healthy.

Not being able to use the oven or stove makes lunch and dinner a heck of a lot more difficult though.

I can't even make a pizza.

So it's been sandwiches and chips for dinner every night until I can figure this out.

I don't even have any tools to make a baked potato right now.

Some dinner ideas that I have for this week are as follows:

Cold chicken salad.


Hummus and pita chips.

Nachos with unmelted cheese.


That's all I got right now.

I'm just not used to living like this.

Coming up with dinner ideas is tough when you don't have an oven or a stove.

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The kind you put in strawberry lemonade.

Every day we take several containers of fresh strawberries and put them in our blender.

We blend them up to make several different types of drinks all beginning with our Strawberry Puree.

It's really just blended fresh strawberries so you can imagine that it would taste really good in any sort of tropical drink.

We make a couple of different types of lemonade that people really enjoy.

We can also make different desserts involving ice cream, brownies, and several different delectable treats using this strawberry blend.

We also have several different flavors of lemonade and drinks that we use...... but none of them use fresh fruit.

Most of them actually use a kind of syrup which I think is kind of gross, but that is just me. Lots of people like it.

I think even if you don't enjoy eating fruit you probably would enjoy the taste of blended strawberries.

It's really good, and at first taste of our strawberry lemonade everybody immediately wants a second glass.

Do you like strawberries? I bet you would like ours.

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There is no success without secrets and strategy; and there is no possibility without a responsibility. Beneath every greatness lies a price and to every success lies a principle. To be at the top is God's purpose for His people but you need to work your way to it. To find yourself financially and spiritually successful at the top, you need to:
  1. HAVE A VISION/DREAM: Whatever you don't see coming can never come because what you don't see you don't seize. What is not your vision can never be your portion in life and there is no way you can achieve what your heart did not conceive. Get a dream and have a vision because a life left to chance is a life left in chains.
  2. BE DIFFERENT: The desire to be like everybody is the reason for so many nobodies. You have to be different before you can make a difference. It is only when you step out that you can stand out. Don't follow the crowd, stand out and be different. Don't compare yourself with anybody else; you are unique, one-of-a-kind, an original, don't settle for being a copy. Don't copy/imitate anyone, rather focus daily on your greatest source of confidence.
  3. AVOID JEALOUSY: Bitterness is like a chain around the neck of your potentials; choking the life out your freedom and joy, and making even the sweet taste of success turn sour in your mouth. When jealousy comes, focus is lost, when focus is lost, speed is lost, when speed is lost, success is lost, and when success is lost, impact is lost. What you don't celebrate, you don't attract. Avoid jealousy and celebrate the success of others and yours will come.
  4. MAINTAIN GOD'S PRESENCE (Ps 16:11): You may loss anything in life but never loss the presence of God. Your success is connected to the revelation with God. Pursue God and the things of this world will pursue you (Matt 6:33). Seek the presence of God and you will be favoured even where others are failing.
  5. MAINTAIN CHARACTER (Dan 1:8): The strength of your character determines the weight of your destiny. The depth of your character also determines the height of your success. Refuse compromise, Yes! Refuse to compromise; because if you loss character you lost everything (Gen 39:9). God cannot do anything serious with any one whose character is out of order.
  6. HAVE A SENSE OF PURPOSE: The purpose of life is a life of purpose. Those who live purposefully end meaningfully. Think deeply in whatever you do because the depth of your thought is the depth of your life; shallow thought leads to shallow life but solid thought leads to solid life. Calculate your steps and weigh your options(think deeply) in whatever you do. Ask yourself these questions; am I keeping the right company? Am I channelling my energy to the right direction? What am doing right now is it to the best interest of my destiny? Am I making the right use of my time? Develop a sense of purpose and watch yourself excel to the top.
  7. LIVE BY CONVICTION: If you want to reach the top you must live by conviction not by consensus nor by compromise. Mean everything you say and say everything you mean. Those who don't stand for anything fall for everything. What you are known for will determine your impact in life. Have a stand and pursue a straight course so that your destiny can be straight.
  8. RELEASE THE PAST: If you focus on your past, you will loss focus on the future so never allow your past to hold you down. It is not possible to walk backwards into the future, so let go of the past and do not allow your history to define your destiny. Release the past. You cannot live in the past and lead in the future. Forget it now and move on.
  9. LIVE HAPPY: When your heart is heavy, your mind and spirit is blocked, and the state of your heart determines what you attract into your life (Isaiah 12:3). You cannot fly when you are heavy because the wind cannot carry stones. Develop a joy-filled heart and refuse to be unhappy because the joy of the Lord is your strength (Neh 8:10). Life is too short to be an inmate in the prison of sadness, fill free and be happy.
  10. BE FAITHFUL: To the extent you will be trusted by God, to that extent you would be entrusted with divine resources. Don't let people develop doubt about you. Don't be a chameleon with God or man and don't backstab. Your blessings are at the mercy of your faithfulness (Prov 28:20). Be faithful, Be Trustworthy, Be Dependable and Be Reliable.
No success comes without a price, it all take hardwork and effort. Be diligent and refuse distractions of any sort. Accept responsibilities, develop yourself and be prayerful. Don't stop trying, don't give up, don't quit, keep moving: See you at the top.
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